Usbourne Books is Fundraising for VLC!
Through Usborne Books’ February Bookraiser, VLC may receive books to support our children’s programming. VLC certainly appreciates such important support from community partners such as Usborne Books. Be sure to check it out and choose VLC at the checkout!
Many Thanks to the City of Victoria
VLC would like to thank the City of Victoria – Local Government for once again contributing with funds through their Strategic Plan Grant to our adult literacy programming. We appreciate their support in our efforts to strengthen literacy in our community. #literacymatters #LiteracyForAll
“All Kinds of Families” Family Reading with Kristy Ware
Here is author Kristy Ware with another of her books that she is sharing with us during the Festival for Family Literacy (Jan 23-30, 2022), namely “All Kinds of Families”. Watch this story time together as a family.
“I’m A Rainbow” Family Reading With Kristy Ware
Author Kristy Ware was so kind as to share her story time video with us for the Festival of Family Literacy during Family Literacy Week (January 23-30, 2021). Join her and her son in this story reading as well as song!
Join the Festival of Family Literacy!
South Island Literacy is organizing Family Literacy Week for the South Island. Be sure to check on the activities, both online and outdoors! #FamilyLiteracyWeek #Literacyforkids
Family Literacy Week (Jan 24-30, 2022)
Victoria Literacy Connection is proud to be part of the South Island Literacy network. Together we are celebrating Family Literacy Week from Jan 24-30. There are plenty of activities going on – both online and outdoors. Be sure to check out your regional Festival of Family Literacy!
VLC Found Its Way to Instagram at Last…
Be sure to follow us there @VictoriaLiteracyConnection!
Truth and Reconciliation
In the light of the recent and tragic discovery in Kamloops, VLC empathizes with the peoples and communities who are grieving this terrible loss. VLC reaffirms its commitment to work and support indigenous nations. #everychildmatters #orangeshirtday To become more informed, The Final Report on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission: Canada’s Residential Schools: Missing Children and…